Scientific Anglers Magnitude Textured Infinity Salt Fly Line


The SA Magnitude Textured Infinity Salt fly line is a top-tier choice for saltwater anglers, designed with advanced technology to enhance performance. This line features the revolutionary AST Plus slickness additive, which significantly improves shooting distance and durability. It is made half-size heavy to handle large flies and windy conditions, ensuring accurate casts over long distances. The extended head length adds precision, making it ideal for targeting spooky fish. With its Tropi-Core technology, the line remains stiff and slick even in tropical environments, making it a versatile and reliable choice for any saltwater fishing adventure.

SKU: sa-magnitude-textured-infinity-salt Category:

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WF10F, WF11F, WF12F, WF7F, WF8F, WF9F

Clear Tip or Full Clear?

12' Clear Tip, Full Tip