Missoula Fly Fishing Report

Missoula Fly Fishing Report 10/7

Fly Fishing Report Brought To You By Our Missoula Fly Fishing Guides And Fly Shop Staff.

Enjoy and Good Luck!

Bitterroot River

The Bitterroot river fly fishing has been really good so far this fall and the weather looks like it will be a great October for fly fishing in the Missoula area. Warmer temperatures should keep hatches strong for at least the next two weeks.
The Bitterroot river fishing is much better in the second half of the day. The colder mornings can still be productive with nymphs and streamers, but wait for those water temps to get warmer closer to noon for good dry fly fishing.
Hatches on the Bitterroot include Mahoganys, October Caddis, BWO’s, and even a few tricos and hoppers still kicking around.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional fly patterns and tips for each hatch

Blackfoot River

The Blackfoot river fly fishing has been ok lately but cooler night time temps have slowed the dry fly fishing down. The streamer fishing has still been really good and of course you can pick up plenty of fish nymphing.
The dry fly fishing is decent in the afternoon with October Caddis and still some fish looking up for Hoppers and a few mayflies.
The Blackfoot is always the first to slow down in the fall compared to the other rivers due to colder water temps and lack of good hatches.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional fly patterns and tips!

Clark Fork River

The Clark Fork river fly fishing has been good lately and the dry fly fishing continues to impress with a mild fall. The weather forecast looks really good for the next few weeks with warmer fall weather and clouds here and there. Fall fishing is our favorite time to get out during the season as there’s less people out and the dry fly fishing can be phenomenal. Take advantage of this beautiful weather before it’s to late.
Hatches on the Clark Fork include Mahoganys, October Caddis, BWO’s and some Tricos and hoppers still around.
Like the rest of our rivers, there is no reason to get out early. Focus on the second half of the day for dries. If you find yourself out there early, go to nymphs or streamers to keep you busy until the dry fly fishing kicks in during the afternoon.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional fly patterns and tips!

Rock Creek

Rock Creek continues to fish great and should continue to produce some great days with the warmer weather forecast on tap.
The dry fly fishing will be better in the afternoon, while the nymphing and streamer fishing should produce during the morning.
Hatches on Rock Creek are Mahoganys, October Caddis, and few BWO’s.
Take advantage of some of the best fishing of the year in October with some great weather!

Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional fly patterns and tips!

October Hatches

Click any photo below to find out more information on each individual hatch. Includes life cycle, best fly patterns, helpful tips and where to find these hatches in your Western Montana fly fishing adventure.

Missoula Fly Fishing Report

Missoula Fly Fishing Report 9/1

Fly Fishing Report Brought To You By Our Missoula Fly Fishing Guides And Fly Shop Staff.

Enjoy and Good Luck!

Bitterroot River

The Bitterroot river fishing has been good over the last week with cooler temps and longer nights. All hoot owl restrictions have been lifted and you can now fish all day.
The upper is fishing a bit better later in the day with cooler water temps than the lower stretches.
The dry fly fishing has really picked up with the recent cool down. Hatches include Tricos, Hoppers and Hecubas.
Streamer fishing has also been good in the morning, and of course the dropper game will pick up fish throughout the day.
We’re excited for cooler and longer nights that are upon us right now and things are shaping up to be a really good September and October for us here in Missoula.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional fly patterns and tips for each hatch

Blackfoot River

The Blackfoot river fly fishing has been good over the last week and should continue to fish good throughout September. We’ve been experiencing below average temperatures this August and it has really improved all the rivers in the area, including the Blackfoot.
We’ve been mostly fishing dry fly terrestrials lately. Hoppers, Ants and Beetles have been the main game. These Terrestrials typically fish good through September, and October Caddis should be showing up in a few weeks.
We have also been getting some good fish on streamers throughout the day, and this should get better and better as fall approaches.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional fly patterns and tips!

Clark Fork River

The Clark Fork river like the rest of our rivers, is starting to fish really good with the longer nights and cooler temperatures. Hoot Owl restrictions have been lifted on all stretches of the Clark Fork. So now you can fish all day long.
The dry fly fishing has really picked up with Tricos, Hoppers, and Hecubas on the lower stretches during overcast days.
The fishing should continue to get better throughout September and October.
Expect October Caddis, BWO’s and Mahogany hatches in a few weeks. For now focus more on Terrestrials and Tricos for the time being.
We have also started to have some decent action on streamers early morning.
Get ready for some great Fall fishing!

Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional fly patterns and tips!

Rock Creek

Rock Creek fishing has continued to produce and is only getting better every day with the cooler weather and shorter days.
The dry fly fishing has been good enough on most days to not have to throw a dropper on, but don’t hesitate to trail a nymph off the hopper during slow periods.
Hatches include Terrestrials like Hoppers, Ants and Beetles. Hoppers should continue to fish good throughout September and October Caddis along with a few BWO and Mahoganys should be coming in a few weeks as we head into fall.
The streamer fishing has also been decent throughout the day.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for additional fly patterns and tips!

September Hatches

Click any photo below to find out more information on each individual hatch. Includes life cycle, best fly patterns, helpful tips and where to find these hatches in your Western Montana fly fishing adventure.

Mayfly Madness

They are here in numbers. Big numbers.



The Mahogany.

The fish know they are here too. Pods of rising fish in ever direction from Our beloved fishing town. You really cant go wrong. Play the clouds and stay of of the wind. Get it in their feeding lane, drag free, and get ready. They will eat it…

See you posted up on the risers.

-The MAngler