Womens Fly Fishing

The Lady MAnglers

Over the past few years here at the fly shop we have seen a huge increase in the number of female anglers coming in. These ladies are serious and have some awesome talent.

Womens Fly Fishing

From stalking big fish with tiny flies to throwing big ugly streamers for aggressive browns, these gals are getting it done. These ladies may have gotten into fly fishing through fathers, boy friends, or husbands but they are leaving them in the dust to get out on their own.

Women's Fly Fishing

We have loved seeing the shift in the the sport of fly fishing. No longer is fly fishing “The Quiet Sport”. Young folks and women have changed the face of the fly fishing industry.

Womens Fly Fishing

The energy and enthusiam is bringing new faces into the shop a lot of them being younger ladies who are kicking some serious trout tail. Not only are the women coming into the sport learning faster than ever, they are doing things in a new ways that are changing the game.

Womens Fly Fishing

We are so excited to see the grip and grins from the Lady Mangler’s, they are catching bigger fish than most of the guys.

So if you are a lady who wants to get into fly fishing stop by the Missoulian Angler Fly Shop.  Chances are one of these ladies will be in here picking up some bugs and showing us the latest monster they put in the net!

-The MAngler

…Because You Fish