Best Hexagenia Fly Patterns
Extended Body Hexagenia

This fly is no peach to cast! We throw this on a 2X tippet, to make sure it turns over and doesn’t spin the leader. The total body length of this fly is 1.9 inches, so if you’re tyer, make sure you make it big enough. Many of our guides will use a brown magic marker to add some mottling to this fly.
Fly Tying Material List
- Hook: 3XL Size 10
- Thread: Yellow 6/0 Uni Thread
- Body: Yellow Foam, segmented, started on a body tool or pin and transferred to the hook
- Tail: Moose Body Hair, tied along the length of the Body
- Post: Yellow Elk Rump
- Hackle: Grizzly Dyed Yellow
Hecuba Cripple

This pattern was developed to imitate the Hecuba but we have found that it works great for a Hexagenia Cripple. When the Hexagenia emerges, it creates a lot of commotion on the surface. That surface emerging disturbance from such a big insect will attract fish from far distances. This pattern is a little undersized but still very effective.
Fly Tying Material List
- Hook: Standard Dry Fly 8
- Tail: Brown Antron or any other tri-lobal material
- Rib: Brown Floss
- Body: Golden Yellow Dubbing
- Wing Case/Wing: Deer Body Hair
- Hackle: Silver badger
Red Fox Squirrel Nymph

The Red Fox Squirrel Nymph has been a proven fish catcher for over 50 years. It’s a great hexagenia nymph because it’s so easy to tie thickly. The Hex is so big, it takes a big nymph to imitate it. The flowing hackle give it life in still water, which is essential for catching the trout’s attention.
Fly Tying Material List
- Hook: Standard Nymph Hook Size 8-10
- Bead: Gold Sized To Hook
- Thread: Tan 6/0 Danville Flymaster (70 Denier)
- Tail: Red Squirrel Body Guard Hairs
- Rib: Oval Gold Tinsel
- Body: Red Fox Squirrel Belly Fur Dubbing
- Collar: Furnace Hen Hackle
- Head: Hare’s Ear Dubbing