Largemouth Bass
The Largemouth Bass is the most popular gamefish in America. With it’s brutal attack to surface flies and it’s ability to survive in varied waters, the Largemouth Bass is a prized gamefish. There are Largemouth bass within an easy drive from Missoula and in every direction. As a warm water fish, the bass become active as the weather warms. In the heat of the summer, you’ll find them in the shallows, and moving into deeper water during the day. Largemouth bass are truculent, and will hit just about anything if the mood strikes them. This pleases the fly tyers, who can concoct outlandish creations with wild colors and multiple rubberlegs and still take fish. A sink tip doesn’t hurt midday, but a floating line will work well morning and evening. If you’ve never experienced the explosive take of a Largemouth on a surface popper, we can hardly recommend that experience more. It’s a sight to behold!