These savage fish haunt the sloughs and backwaters of our rivers and we have what you need to go toe to toe with them.

If rising trout get your heart pounding wait till you see a pike rocket towards your fly from their hiding place in the weeds. They are built for speed and love to show it off to a well presented fly.

Throwing flies that are bigger than a lot of trout is fun. Seeing the big fish eat them is even more fun and a little bit addictive.

With these fish its go big or go home. Don’t bother with your 5 weight, grab a 7 and a big reel, and unless you want to lose a bunch of flies don’t worry about your regular mono. Go Steel.

Come on in and we will get you set up to catch these predators and we can even give you the low down on where to go.
-The MAngler